Reality and/or Illusion This booklet was selected and contributed to Rockport Publishers’ book, 1000 More Graphic Elements: Unique Elements for Distinctive Designs by Grant Design Collaborative.

The 2 color experimental booklet reflects contrasting perspectives of reality and illusion. It includes a compilation of quotes, research, and both traditional and digital collages. “Reality” and “Illusion” are themes that haunt mankind. According to Webster, “Reality” is “everything that exists or the state of being actual”, and “Illusion” references the synonyms “deception” and “trick on the eyes”, so these themes are literally different from each other. The Ancient philosopher Chuang Tzu stated: Last night I dreamed I was a butterfly. I do not know whether I was a man dreaming I was a butterfly or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man. It is in duality that we all exist.

Copyright 2006 Lara Kavvas-Tatar. Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Lara Tatar.
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